Nothing gives a property sharp curb appeal like well trimmed bushes and freshly mulch beds with well defined edges.
Here are some proven steps we have found through experience to help make your yard look its best.
Where to get the mulch?
If your up in North Wilmington, Holland Mulch is the closest location. If you live down in the Newark / Pike Creek area, Copelands Mulch is the place for you. All things being equal, we prefer Copelands because they always give us fatter scoops of mulch.
What type of mulch to get?
Tripple shredded is the cheapest, however we prefer the dyed varieties. The two choices being black and brown. We prefer brown. The color holds up better over the course of the season and is cleaner to work with; black dyed mulch is messy. A purely personal preference, we think it looks better too.
1) Spray the lawn beds liberally with “non-selective, systemic” herbiced such as Roundup Weed & Grass Killer. A broadleaf weed killer won’t kill grass and grassy weeds. We recommend spraying over weed pulling. Many weeds such as dandelions will regenerate if even a fragment of the root remains in the soil. Take a break for a few days (7 days would be best) to let the herbicde spread throughout the plant and get down into the roots. After the prescribed wait time, use a weedwacker to reduce the standing weeds to pulp.
2) Trim all bushes. This would be the time to shape up the bushes, before you put down the fresh mulch.
3) Rake up the beds and remove the debris.
4) Defining the bed’s edges. Using an edging spade, cut along the edge of the bed at a 90 degree angle. Straight, deep, edges are best. Push the loose dirt into the beds and break up the chunks. You’re going to spread the mulch down right over them.
5) Lastly, spread the mulch and use a rock rack to smooth out the mulch. The spreaded mulch should be at a depth of 3 inches.
If you’re not the do-it-yourself type, give us a call and we’d be happy to help with your mulch and bush trimming needs.
Stewart Bros. Turf, LLC
Servicing Wimington, Brandywine, Pike Creek, Newark, Hockessin, Delaware